For the love of God and Country, please read this letter all the way though. I’ll do my best to keep it to the point. What you’re about to read might, may, could possibly cause normal feelings of sudden anger, confusion, or even sadness. If you find yourself getting angry, please say a prayer, take a breath, reset, and when ready keep reading. My goal is not to mislead you, not to upset you, and not to worry you. My only goal is to reach the MAGA movement and hope I manage to express the severity of the situation we are in so that President Vance can execute his Constitutional duties.
The following sentence is going to be difficult, but I promise I will explain. Please push through. Please.
On January 20th, 2025. President Trump provided “aid and comfort” to at least TEN individuals who were indicted by Grand Juries and found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy as defined in Ch18 U.S. Code §2384, and in doing so committed TEN COUNTS OF TREASON.
By extending a pardon, to specifically these TEN convicted seditionists from the January 6th riot,
1) Meggs, Connie
2) Rhodes, Elmer Stewart
3) Watkins, Jessica
4) Minuta, Roberto
5) Vallejo, Edward
6) Hackett, Joseph
7) Moerschel, David
8) Greene, Michael
9) Enrique Tarrio
10) Meggs, Kelly
then-President Donald Trump violated Ch18 U.S. Code § 2381 committing ten acts of TREASON.
How was this treason? President Donald J Trump did willingly “adhered to our enemies” comprised of TEN SEDITIONISTS that had “opposed the authority thereof and by force to prevent, hider, or delay the execution of” the 2020 Electoral College tabulation; and in doing so, then-President Donald J Trump with forethought, against the advice of others, against the advice from then-Vice President Vance, in front of the nation, and transmitted across the globe committed TEN COUNTS OF TREASON as defined by Ch18 U.S. Code § 2381, which immediately ended his Presidency and ascended JD Vance to the Executive Office.
What about Presidential Immunity? Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on who is in office, Presidential immunity cannot cover Treasonous Acts, because ‘duh, AND no Official Act or Power of the Presidency was every designed to commit Treason, so even Official Powers when used for Treason are an unofficial act and not protected.
While courts have consistently declined to put limits on the president's discretion, the wording of the Ch18 U.S. Code §2381 is undeniably clear
“§2381. Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
Equally clear is the legal definition of aid
“Strengthening enemies of the United States or weakening its power to resist and attack those enemies.”
Just as clear as the definition of the acts of sedition conspirators
“conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof,”
You literally cannot be more “enemy” than the above definition. Which sadly means, that at least 10 of the 1,500 January 6th prisoners were, in fact, enemies of the United States due to their conviction by a Grand Jury of their peers on charges of Seditious Conspiracy 2384.
I must stress; the Trump Administration isn’t lost. This doesn’t put the Dems in power. Ex-President Trump still beat Kamala and the democrats, but it does mean that Ex-President Trump, whether by accident, ignorance, ego, or some other thing all together, did in fact commit TEN COUNTS OF TREASON. The Trump Train must now stop at the station and swap conductors. Don’t worry, sentencing will be light for a man his age and the positions he has held, likely sentenced to Golf in Florida.
The problem is, things can get bad fast. What happens to this nation is in your hands. Do we descend into chaos, like civil war? We can allow the Constitution to be subverted and risk future Presidents getting away with even worse. Or we can simply do our Civic Duty and uphold the Constitution as it is written, ensuring President Vance brings the White House back under Constitutional control.
Lastly, there is a little-known law that covers a weird thing called Misprision of Treason, you can find it online, it’s Ch18 U.S. Code §2382. This law basically says that if someone who has sworn an oath to the United States knows of someone that has committed Treason and doesn’t report it, they are guilty of Misprision of Treason. It’s not AS bad as Treason, but if President Vance doesn’t assume his Executive Office or tries to help ex-President Trump then the ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION would be lost to a whole slew of charges including §2381 Treason and §2384 Seditious Conspiracy. If the whole admin goes down, then I have no clue as to what will happen.
If there was ever a chance of a united voice calling for elected leaders to fulfil their oath, that chance lays squarely in the hands of the MAGA movement, and quite frankly, there is nothing that would Make America Great Again like ensuring a President that committed TEN counts of treason on national TV is held accountable. Ensuring that every President understands that US Citizens draw the line at blatant Treason and will never let what we have witnessed in recent modern history happen again.
United States Citizen & Patriot